Fact Sheet: Talaat Moustafa Group Holding

  • Published on 04 September 2022

Who Owns Cairo: Case Study Companies


Full Name: Talaat Moustafa Group Holding SAE (Reuters Code TMGH.CA)

Established: 2007 (As a holding company of pre-existing companies)

Listed on EGX: 2007

Scope and activities: The company engages in the establishment of companies that issue securities, or raises their capital. It also establishes and develops hotels, touristic and residential projects in Egypt. [1]

Company Vitals:

Indicator Value Case Study Ranking
Annual Profits (Avg. 2010-2021) LE 1.2bn 2/10
Market Capitalization (12.2021) LE 18.7bn 1/10
Cairo Land Ownership – De Jure (12.2021) 16,341 acres 1/10
Cairo Land Ownership – Control (12.2021) 16,442 acres 1/10
40% of case study land


How much land does TMGH own in Cairo?

Under the de jure method (See Methodology), TMGH indirectly owns 16,341 acres in Cairo (See Appendix A below). At 16,442 acres, its ownership doesn’t change much under the control method as it has rarely been involved in co-development deals with other companies. It has however pioneered the co-development model with NUCA, buying its significant land plots in Cairo through in-kind payment (finished units) agreements with NUCA, meaning that land payments do not represent an upfront burden for it. This has been the cause of legal dispute, where a court ruling nulled the original land contract for Madinaty, forcing NUCA and TMGH to sign a new contract with clearer payment terms better reflecting the value of the land.[2]  In 2021, TMGH had the largest landbank of the case study companies, however despite its size, the landbank was mostly acquired more than a decade ago, specifically in 2005, when over half of its current land bank was allocated (Figure 1).

Figure 1: TMGH landbank accumulation analysis – Control Method 2002-2021 (Acres). Sources: See Appendix A

Who Owns TMGH?

The Talaat Moustafa Group’s largest shareholder is TMG for Real Estate and Touristic Investments, a company jointly held by the Egyptian Talaat Moustafa Family and the Saudi Bin Laden family (Figure 2). With stakes through another company brothers Tarek, Hisham and Hany ultimately own 34% of TMGH’s stock. Hisham Talaat Moustafa has been group CEO since the 2017, and has also served as a member of the Shura Council (Upper House). Brother Tarek Talaat Moustafa is group Chairman since 2008 and a former member of parliament.

The second largest shareholder is the Saudi Bin Laden family, famous for their large construction interests in their home country through the Saudi Binladen Group. In Egypt, brothers Yehia and Omar Bin Laden have various real estate investments, owning 17% of TMGH through an Egypt based company – with the Talaat Moustafa family, and the Cayman Islands. The third largest shareholder is another Saudi family, that of Abdelmoniem Alrashed, owning 7% of the group through a UAE based company. The remaining identifiable owners are mostly investment funds, led by the Norges Bank who owns 3.3% of TMGH’s shares.

Figure 2: TMGH shareholding structure according to the UBO method as of 2021 Q4 (See Appendix B and Methodology)

Investor Nationalities

Egypt based investors owned less than half of the company’s shares under the tax resident (TR) method (See Methodology), with the second largest group being investors of unknown nationalities: free float investors with small holdings (Figure 3). In third place is Saudi Arabia with 8.6% of the shares, followed by the Cayman Islands with an equal percentage, and in close fifth place the UAE with 7%. Funds based in the USA and Norway, owned the remaining portion.

Shifting the ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) method, leaves Egypt in first place with 46% of the shares, while investors of unknown nationalities grow to almost a quarter o the shares as other listed companies and funds are added to the group (See Methodology). Saudi Arabia remains in third place, though balloons to near one quarter of the shareholdings as UBOs of Cayman Islands and UAE companies are added. The Government of Norway’s Norges Bank is the fourth largest owner at 3.3% of the shares.


Figure 3: TMGH shareholding by nationality under the TR and UBO methods

Investor Types

Under the UBO method, families made it the largest portion of investors, holding almost 60% of TMGH (Figure 4). Unidentifiable smallholders on the EGX free float represented the second largest group at a third of the company. SOEs were the third largest shareholder with 4% of shares – mostly through the Norges Bank, while private and listed companies owned the remaining 4%.

Figure 4: TMGH shareholding by investor type – UBO

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Appendix A: Landholding Information


Location Development
(Allocation date)
Subsidiary / Co-development
(% Owned)
Land Area (Feddans) Sources
Initial Land De Jure Owned 2021 Control 2021
Capital Gardens Noor (2021) Arab Company for Urban Investment (99.97%) 5,000.0 4,998.5 5,000.0 MoH 424/2021
El Shorouk MayFair (1993) Alexandria Company for Urban Projects SAE (40%) 148.3 59.3 148.3 TMGH Annual report 2007
New Cairo Al Rehab I (1996) Arab Company for Projects and Urban Development SAE (99.99%) 1,461.0 1,461.0 1,461.0 MoH 413/2017
Al Rehab II (2005) Arab Company for Projects and Urban Development SAE (99.99%) 895.0 895.0 854.4 MoH 728/2016
Madinaty (2005) Arab Company for Projects and Urban Development SAE (99.99%) 8,000.0 8,000.0 7,959.4 MoH 129/2021
Madinaty – Plot Sale & co-dev (2020) Sale to and co-dev. w First Design for Urban Investment and Development SAE [Misr & Ahly Banks] Note: Land area is equally divided between the two projects -40.6 TMGH Market Update 01.07.2021
New Administrative Capital Celia (2017) Arab Company for Projects and Urban Development SAE (99.99%) 500.0 500.0 500.0 TMGH Press Release 23.04.2017
Sheikh Zayed El Rabwa I & II (1994) Alexandria for Real Estate Investment SAE (97.93%) 518.9 508.2 518.9 TMGH Annual report 2007
TMG TOTAL   16,523.2 16,340.8 16,442.0  
MoH: Minister of Housing Decree. All subsidiary ownership percentages based on the annual consolidated financial statements of 2021

Appendix B: Shareholding Information

Direct Shareholding:

Company Shares Sources
TMG for Real Estate and Touristic Investments SAE 43.16 TMG Holding SAE BoD & Shareholders Disclosure 2021 Q4.”

“Talaat Moustafa Group Holding SAE Ownership.” Simply WallSt. n.d. Accessed 04.04.2022

“Government Pension Fund Global Holdings of Equities at 31 December 2021” (Norges Bank)

Alexandria for Construction Company SAE 8.03
Rimco EGT Investment LLC (UAE) 7.18
Norges Bank 3.32
The Vanguard Group Cos (USA) 1.94
Schroder Investment Management Limited (UK) 1.27
Misr Insurance Asset Management 0.83
BlackRock, Inc. (USA) 0.55
HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited 0.49
Russell Investment Management, LLC (USA) 0.48
Eaton Vance Management (USA) 0.11
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management (DWS) (Germany) 0.11
Van Eck Associates Corporation (USA) 0.1
Northern Trust Global Investments (UK) 0.06
Azimut (DIFC) Limited, Asset Management Arm (UAE) 0.05
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America – College Retirement Equities Fund (USA) 0.05
State Street Global Advisors, Inc. (USA) 0.06
Quaestio Capital Management SGR S.p.A Unipersonale (Italy) 0.05
Boston Partners Global Investors, Inc. (USA) 0.04
RWC Partners Limited (Lincoln Peak Capital, Inc.) (USA) 0.03
DBX Advisors LLC (USA) 0.03
Geode Capital Management, LLC (USA) 0.03
Polunin Capital Partners Limited (UK) 0.02
Mackenzie Financial Corporation (Canada) 0.02
AXA Investment Managers S.A. (France) 0.02
Tarek, Hisham and Hany Talaat Moustafa (Egypt) 0.02
EGX FF 31.95

Indirect Shareholding:

Company Nationality Shareholders (%) Sources
TMG for Real Estate & Tourism Investment SAE Egypt Talaat Moustafa Family (Egypt) 60

[Tarek, Hany and Hisham Talaat Moustafa]

Bin Laden Family 40

[Yahia Mohammed Awad Bin Laden 20 (Saudi Arabia), Trondheim Investments Limited, rep. Akbar Aly Mohammed Aly Mwala, 10 (Cayman Is.) Kilbride Investments Limited, rep. Omar Mohammed Awad Bin Laden 10 (Cayman Is.)

“Articles of Incorporation of T.M.G. Holding (Egyptian Joint Stock company)”, Capital Market Authority. Publication No. 46, April 2007.

“Talaat Moustafa Group Holding Company SAE Offering Circular [IPO]”, 16.11.2017. p97

Alexandria Construction Company SAE Egypt Talaat Moustafa Family (Egypt) 100 Based on the BoD representation as per MCDR disclosure
Rimco EGT Investment LLC UAE Abdulmonem Rashed Alrashed (Saudi Arabia) 100 RIMCO EGT Investment Owned By Abdulmonem Rashed Alrashed One Person Company L.L.C in Dubai” Dubai Chamber: Dubai Commercial Directory. n.d. Accessed 30.03.2022
Norges Bank Norway Government of Norway 100 About the Bank. Norges Bank, n.d. Accessed 30.03.2022
Schroder Investment Management Limited UK Ultimate parent company: Schroders Plc

Main shareholders:

Schroder Family (UK) 47.93

LSE FF (UK) 52.07

“Schroders Annual Reports and Accounts 2020”, Schroders Plc. p104
Misr Insurance Asset Management Egypt Government of Egypt Misr Insurance Asset Management Company Profile, Shareholders” Misr Holding. p.5.
HSBC Global Asset Management Limited UK HSBC Holdings Plc (UK) HSBC Governance.” HSBC, 2022.
HSBC Holdings Plc UK BlackRock, Inc. 8.52

The Vanguard Group, Inc. 4.13

Norges Bank 2.68

SE London LSX       FF 84.67

HSBC Holdings Plc Annual Report and Accounts 2021” HSBC. p.289

“HSBC Holdings Plc Ownership” Simply Wall St. n.d. Accessed 13.07.2022

Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management LTD (DWS KGaA from 2018) Germany Deutsche Bank AG (Through DB Beteiligungs-Holding GmbH) 79.49

Nippon Life Insurance Company 5

Annual Report 2021”,DWS. pXXVI
Deutsche Bank AG Germany BlackRock, Inc 5.23

The Capital Group Companies, Inc. 5.20 (USA)

Douglas L. Braunstein 3.18

Paramount Services Holdings Ltd. 3.05 (UK)

Supreme Universal Holdings Ltd. 3.05 (Cayman Islands)

“Deutsche Bank Shareholder Structure.” Investor Relations. n.d. Accessed 04.04.2022
Boston Partners Global Investors, Inc. USA ORIX Group (Japan) 100 “Our Group”, Orix Group website, n.d. Accessed 27.03.2022
Azimut Limited UAE Azimut UK Holdings Limited 100 DIFC: “Azimut Limited shareholders” n.d. Accessed 31.03.2022
Azimut UK Holdings Limited UK Azimut Holding spa 100 Azimut UK Holdings Limited: “CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF A PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY” 29/07/2021. P. 7,8 . n.d.  Accessed 28.03.2022
Azimut Holding spa Italy Timone Fiduciaria Slr 22.10

Italian SX FF 77.9

Azimut Group: “Azimut Group.” n.d. Accessed: 30.03.2022

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