
The Built Environment Observatory (BEO) is a web-based portal of open knowledge on Egypt’s built environment.

The BEO covers a range of urban issues with a focus on fair housing, spatial justice, and, access to basic infrastructure such as electricity and water.

We aim to support scholars, communities, civil society, development agencies and officials in their pursuit for the equitable development of the built environment, through the production of  knowledge in the form of:

  • State of Housing series that offer in-depth analyses of the impact of legislation, policy, and, public spending, on housing and cities
  • Laws and legislation explainers and commentaries
  • Housing Statistics fact sheets and analysis of key data
  • Social Housing commentaries and analysis of projects and strategies
  • Commentaries on wider issues of housing and the city


  • Project Director

    Yahia Shawkat

    Yahia Shawkat is a housing strategist and policy-analyst. He is co-director of the 10 Tooba research studio, and director of its Housing Policy Unit/ Built Environment Observatory, that works on equitable housing and spatial policies and advocacy. There he has produced reports on real estate market transparency, the social governance of SOEs, and legal awareness campaigns, among others. Yahia has written widely, including Egypt’s Housing Crisis: The Shaping of Urban Space (AUC Press, 2020), which traces a social and statistical history of rental, self-built and mass housing, and co-edited Nashtari kul shay’ (We Buy Everything), (Dar al-Maraya, 2022), while his op-eds have appeared in Al-Manassa, Mada Masr, TIMEP and others.

  • Contributing Researcher

    MennatuAllah Hendawy

    Is an urban researcher and a PhD candidate at the Technical University in Berlin

  • Contributing Researcher

    Amira Khalil

    Specialises in State Budget equality and access to government information, and is currently pursuing an M.Sc in Statistical Science at Leiden University

  • Contributing Researcher

    Mohamed Gad

    is a journalist, specializing in economic reporting, and former head of research at the Egyptian Center for Economic & Social Rights

  • Contributing Researcher

    Salma Shukrallah

    Salma Shukrallah is a journalist based in Cairo. She obtained an MA in Anthropology from the American University in Cairo (AUC) in 2010

  • Contributing Researcher

    Omnia Khalil

    is a PhD student in cultural anthropology program in the Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY) and Teacher Assistant in Hunter College in New York City. She is an urban researcher and a former co-founder of 10 Tooba.

  • Contributing Researcher

    Ali Almoghazy

    Has a research interest in human geography and settlemetns, and received his master's at the Technical University of Berlin Campus El Gouna

  • Senior Researcher

    Ahmed Zaazaa

    Is an architect, participatory planner and urban researcher, and co-founder of 10 Tooba

  • Contributing Researcher

    Samir Shalabi

    Urban researcher and journalist. Based in Alexandria, his research interests include transport, housing, urban history, informality, and the urban sensorium (i.e., experiences of the city, soundscapes, smellscapes etc.).

  • Contributing Researcher

    Reem Cherif

    An architect and urban researcher who holds an MSc in urban design and community development from Cairo University. Her research interests focus on gendered mobilities and spaces, multi-sensory spatial experiences, and visual ethnography.

  • Data & Mapping Officer

    Dina Elmazzahi

    Dina Elmazzahi is an architect and urban researcher; her research interest lies in addressing the diverse practices of heritage and urban development, and received a double degree of M.Sc. in Urban Heritage from Brandenburg Technical University and Alexandria University.

  • Legal Research Director

    Nadine Abdel Razek

    Nadine is a social researcher interested in studying urban inequality, informality, and displacement, specifically from a legal sociology perspective. Her academic background includes an LLM in International and Comparative Law from the American University in Cairo and an Honours Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto, where she pursued a double major in Sociology and Political Science.

  • Contributing researcher

    Hanaa Gad Mahmoud

    Hanaa Gad is an architect and urban researcher, and a PhD candidate at Cairo University focusing on informal/unplanned/deprived areas and their issues.

The BEO is a project by 10 Tooba | Applied Research on the Built Environment

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